5 Steps to Obtain a Real Estate License
Step 1: Complete the 48-Hour Pre-Exam Course
This course is completed prior to taking the Missouri Real Estate Licensing Exam at PSI testing center. Choose from In-Class Day, Evening Hybrid or Online versions of the course. Receive a certificate of completion on the last day of class (In-Class Day) or after passing an end-of-course test (Evening Hybrid, Online or Home Study).The sole purpose of the Pre-Exam Course is to prepare the student to pass the Missouri Real Estate Licensing Exam at the PSI testing center.
Step 2: Take and pass the Missouri Real Estate Licensing Exam
Schedule your test with the PSI Testing Center immediately after completing the 48-Hour Pre-Exam Course by visiting their website @ www.GoAmp.com or calling (800) 345-6559.
You will need to pass both the National and State portions of the exam.
Step 3: Complete the 24-Hour Missouri Real Estate Practice (MREP) Course
This course is completed as either home study or online AFTER passing the 48-Hour Pre-Exam Course. We also recommend that you complete this course after passing the licensing exam at PSI.Receive a certificate of completion after passing the 24-Hour MREP online end-of-course test.
Step 4: Have Fingerprinting & Background Check Completed by a State Approved Vendor
Fingerprinting and a federal criminal history background check must be completed by a state approved vendor in order to obtain a real estate license in Missouri. See below for more information about the fingerprinting and background check requirement, or contact the Missouri Real Estate Commission (MREC) at (573) 751-2628.
Step 5: Apply for Your Missouri Salesperson’s Real Estate License
The broker that you have selected to work with will sign your license application and send it to the Missouri Real Estate Commission (MREC).
Your license application must be submitted and received by the MREC prior to the 6-month expiration date of your 48-Hour Pre-Exam Course completion. Applications received after the expiration date will be denied by the MREC. Your expiration date is printed on the bottom of your 48-Hour Pre-Exam certificate of completion. Once your application is processed and accepted, the MREC will send your license to be held by your selected broker.
Questions regarding license application or information concerning license requirements should be directed to:
Missouri Real Estate Commission 3605 Missouri Boulevard P.O. Box 1339 Jefferson City, MO 65102 573-751-2628 Fax: 573-751-2777 Email: realestate@pr.mo.gov